Name | Appointed By | From | To |
Gillian Clarke | Appointed by GB/board | 7 Dec 2023 | 7 Dec 2027 |
Barry Elsworth | Appointed by GB/board | 24 Jan 2022 | 25 Jan 2026 |
Elizabeth Adams | Elected by parents | 7 Dec 2023 | 7 Dec 2027 |
Hayley Day | Appointed by GB/board | 7 Dec 2023 | 7 Dec 2027 |
Ian Moore | Appointed by GB/board | 1 Aug 2023 | 1 Aug 2027 |
Jacquie Mumford | Appointed by GB/board | 7 Dec 2023 | 7 Dec 2027 |
Rachel Hornby | Elected by school staff | 7 Dec 2023 | 7 Dec 2027 |
Ashley Chesney | Elected by parents | 11 Feb 2025 | 11 Feb 2029 |
Matthew Byrne | Elected by parents | 11 Feb 2025 | 11 Feb 2029 |
Sian James | Ex-officio by virtue of office as headteacher/principal | 14 March 2023 | Not recorded |
Chair Dec 2023 – Dec 2027
- Miss G Clarke
Co-opted 4 year Term Dec 2023 – Dec 2027
- Mr I Moore
- Mr B Elsworth
- Ms H Day
- Ms J Mumford
Staff Appointment 4 Year Term Dec 2023 - Dec 2027
- Rachel Hornby
Parent Governors 4 Year Term Dec 2023 - Dec 2027
- Elizabeth Adams
Head Teacher Governor
- Sian James
- Tracey Curtis
Bilton Grange Governors - Our Purpose
We are privileged to work in a happy, vibrant and successful school. Sian James and her staff provide a learning environment that strives to give each and every child the start in life they deserve.
As a governing body our clear responsibilities are to support and monitor the way in which the children who attend our school are educated. We work closely with Mrs James and her management team to make sure we make the best use of the resources we are provided with.
We meet regularly as a full board and in committee meetings to analyse the performance of the school. Our role has developed over recent years and we are now, more than ever, required to challenge the head teacher and her team to ensure that we are striving to improve the education and consequently life chances of every child who attends the school.
The Standards and Achievements Committee monitors and challenges the school's progress. The committee reports back to the main board at each meeting enabling all governors to be fully aware of the progress being made and where the school needs to improve.
The role of school governor is voluntary, however our approach is professional. As board members we regularly review our purpose to ensure we are serving the school in the best way we can. We are passionate about education and understand the importance that it has for each individual throughout their life.
If you are a parent, carer or guardian and would like to know more about the Board of Governors you can make formal contact through Mrs Benson, Clerk to the Board of Governors. However, a number of the governors are parents and can be seen in the playground before and after school doing the school run, and they will happily answer any queries about the Board.
Governors Accountabilities Framework
The Board of Trustees needs to decide which functions it will reserve for itself and which will be delegated to Board committees (such as each school’s Local Governing Body). This is set out in a document called the scheme of delegation.
YCAT have named our scheme of delegation the Accountabilities Framework and it sets out what decisions can be taken by Headteachers, LGBs, CEO, FRAR, SILG and Board. As a new MAT we recognise that our governance and structures are still evolving and will continue to do so as we mature and grow. As a consequence, the Accountabilities Framework is a working document which will be adjusted and refined as required (and following feedback and input from all parties) to ensure decisions can be made at the appropriate level.
The Local Governing Bodies are formed as committees of the Board and are focused on the interests of their own school and include parental and staff representatives. We believe in YCAT that local governing bodies are vital in driving school improvement and supporting their local community. The structure, membership and responsibilities of each LGB are set out in the Terms of Reference, the Accountabilities Framework and Code of Conduct.
The Local Governing Body, through a detailed knowledge of the pupil data and school information, actively takes part in the School’s self-evaluation and strategic planning process. The Local Governing Body, in collaboration with Head teacher and the school’s Senior Leadership Team and SILG, are responsible for developing and monitoring the school’s development plan and for monitoring the quality of teaching and learning at the school. Governors on the Local Governing Body regularly check if all pupils are making good progress at the level which is expected of them. We will ask each Local Governing Body member (local governor) to confirm that they accept the responsibility of their role and sign up to a code of conduct. The appointment of the members of Local Governing Bodies will be approved by the Trustees, although staff and parent local governor elections should be run at school level.