Important notice:

01423 502375

Home Learning

Support for Parents/Children in the event of a partial or full school closure

In the even of a partial or full school closure, we have a detailed plan to retain our education offer for your child. Please read our Curriculum Delivery Plan for more information.

'At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child's success is the positive involvement of parents.'

Jane D. Hull

Curriculum Delivery Plan 

Remote Learning Provision 

Pupil Remote Learning Policy

EYFS Home Learning Timetable 

Year 1 Home Learning Timetable 

Year 2 Home Learning Timetable 

Lower KS2 Home Learning Timetable 

Upper KS2 Home Learning Timetable

Your child has already received a home learning pack to provide you with an outline of basic things that you can do to support your child’s learning in the event of any partial or full school closure.

Homework Challenges: Please continue to support your child with their homework challenges.

Reading: Please continue to hear your child read. Ask them questions about the book they are reading. Below is a list of possible questions.

Writing: Please continue to provide writing opportunities for your child. The websites provided offer a wide range of resources to help you.

Maths: Please continue to support your child in learning their times tables and basic number facts. Below is a possible timetable for you to follow, along with resources.

All other subjects: The list of websites provided offer a wealth of resources.

We may send out further work to support you in the future, depending on the length of any closure. Please check your emails or this page for more information.

Thank you for your continued support.

Maths Homework Grid Y1/2

Maths Homework Grid KS2

Reading Comprehension Questions

Websites for Parents and Pupils

Top Tips for Remote Learning

shutterstock_1675043281Homework gives parents/carers to be involved in your child's education. Our aim of is to give homework that provides opportunities to:

  • Consolidate or extend learning in school.
  • Practise skills learnt in school across different contexts.
  • Develop character skills: teamwork, independence, resilience, understanding and managing feelings, empathy, considering actions.

Our 'Homework Challenges' provide fun and engaging activities that link to what we are covering in school. It also provides an excellent opportunity to extend learning and practice skills across a wide range of subjects. Some activities require adult support to complete, whilst others can be completed more independently. Of course, reading books, spellings and times tables are still taken home.

At the beginning of each term, your child will receive their 'Homework Challenges' to complete. The challenges are variety of fun and engaging activities that relate to the learning your child is undertaking in school. Children can choose which activity they would like to complete. However, you will see that two of the challenges must be completed. These are the empowering learning tasks for the term and develop important 'life skills'. For each activity completed your child will receive points, which will go towards their points target as shown on the 'Homework Challenge' sheet. Children will receive Gold, Silver or Bronze Awards for their points tally. For homework where a child has particularly tried their best, Head Teacher Awards may be given.

The focus for the homework is on the quality of work, not how many tasks can be completed. The homework is based on three key principles:

  1. Be creative.
  2. Show good presentation.
  3. Always try your best.

As always we encourage feedback from parents/carers. If there are any queries regarding homework, please contact your class teacher.

EYFS Summer Term Homework Challenges

Year 1/2 Summer Term Homework Challenges

Year 3/4 Summer Term Homework Challenges

Year 5/6 Summer Term Homework Challenges

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