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Important notice:
Every year the pupils elect two representatives from their classes in KS2 onto our School Council. They are chosen because they are, sensible and reliable and can work as part of a team. They are also good organisers and listeners. Here are some of the things they need to do:
Listen carefully to others. Attend meetings.
Make suggestions and share ideas. Take on responsibilities.
The United Nations Convention on The Rights of a Child states that,
“All children have the right to express the views they have and those views should be listened to in anything that affects them.”
At Bilton Grange C.P. School everyone can get involved, share ideas and be part of a team. We all strive to listen to each other and respect the viewpoints of others.
Every discussion is different but topics have included, raising money for equipment and charities, bullying, after school clubs and safety in and around the school.
Council often has to discuss, negotiate and make compromises as this is what it means to work as a team.
Council also has to be realistic about what it can do. Some things can be changed and others cannot.
Meetings are usually held every week in a classroom at 12.30pm. The meetings last for about 20 minutes.
Over this year we are hoping to support a charity by raising money through events organised by the School Council. We will ask the whole school to nominate worthy charities and as a school we will then vote for the one we consider the most worthy.
The School Council will organise this vote and be responsible for making sure it is carried out in a fair way.
The School Council will hold a termly disco in the hall will be distributed between our
The use of the rest of the money will be discussed by the Council and decisions made put to the classes they represent. The School Council can then spend the money as they see fit.
The School Council will run a basic financial account that details money coming in and going out this year.
The School Council will carry out a safety walk every term to help to identify any play equipment that needs repairing or replacing. During this walk they will discuss areas of the school where children may feel vulnerable and ways of improving these areas. Their findings will be reported to the Senior Management Team.
The School Council has a suggestion box for other pupils in the school. They can bring these suggestions to Council Meetings.
The School Council has the opportunity to talk to the whole school about issues and events during our Celebration Assembly on Fridays.
The School Council will look at relevant School Policies and voice suggestions for inclusion.
During the summer term it is hoped to get together with other School Councils to share ideas.