Important notice:

01423 502375

School Uniform

Our uniform

  • Red or white polo shirt
  • Grey or black skirt, pinafore dress, trousers or shorts. Shorts should be trouser shorts – not sports shorts / cycling shorts.
  • Red sweatshirt or cardigan
  • Red checked dress for summer
  • Grey, black or white socks or tights
  • Black school shoes

Children must bring a coat to school every day as a lot of their time is spent outside. Your child will also need a school book bag.

Items of uniform with the school logo on are available from Rawcliffe’s in Harrogate. Uniform without the school logo can also be worn and is available from local supermarkets.

Please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly named.

P.E. Kit

  • Red or white t-shirt (plain or with school logo)
  • Navy or black skirt/shorts/tracksuit bottoms
  • Plain white or black trainers/pumps

Totally plain t-shirts, shorts and tracksuit bottoms can be found in local supermarkets. Please do not send your child in branded clothing for PE.

If PE is outside and it is cooler, pupils can also wear a navy or black sweatshirt (or their red school jumper).

  • EYFS and KS1 P.E. kits should be kept in a clearly named, draw-string bag.

If anyone is struggling to purchase school uniform, please speak to a member of staff.


Children may wear simple, small stud earrings but only if they are able to remove and replace them independently. Please do not send children in earrings if they cannot do this confidently. Necklaces or bracelets should not be worn. 

Children must remove any earrings when doing P.E. If whatever reason they cannot remove their own earrings, they will be given micropore tape so that they can cover their earrings themselves before taking part in PE lessons. The child will then remove the tape after the lesson. 

Children must remove earrings for swimming. If they cannot, they will not swim.

Children may also wear analogue watches or fitness trackers without interactive faces. Smart watches that can be used to send and receive messages and/or phone calls are not allowed. If we feel that any pupils are being distracted by their watches, they will be asked not to wear them again.