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Our Curriculum


Bilton Grange Curriculum Statement

Further information on our curriculum and assessment can be found in the policies section of this website. Alternatively please contact the school office where you will be put in touch with the Curriculum and Assessment Lead in school.

Click on these links to access our curriculum guide and learning targets:

Bilton Grange Curriculum Guide for Parents/Carers   Empowering learning targets

Bilton Grange Primary School is a happy, vibrant place where learning is at the heart of everything we do. We believe in encouraging our pupils to embrace life-long learning and become active participants in society who care, support and contribute. We provide a broad, balanced, challenging and relevant education which involves children in active, personalised learning through a knowledge-based, creative curriculum.

Children are provided with a supportive and nurturing start to school in Early Years. Children begin to develop their knowledge, thinking and skills through child-initiated activities and focused sessions that develop children’s knowledge of phonics, reading, writing and number. Developing phonics, reading, writing and number continues into Key Stage 1.

In Key Stage 2, children build upon previous learning, applying their knowledge to solve problems through all subjects including the foundation subjects. Reading is at the heart of our approach and supports our vocabulary-rich curriculum. Children learn to read quickly so that they can read for meaning. They are read to frequently and read independently so they can acquire new knowledge; new vocabulary and can place their learning into context across a wide range of subjects.

We are developing a highly structured, knowledge-rich curriculum that is built around a core knowledge sequence, enabling children to acquire knowledge in small, sequential steps within each subject. Clear, coherent and sequential learning is carefully planned for so that children know more and remember more, building their long term memory over time.

Planning differentiated lessons to meet the needs of 3 key groups is a key principle. We provide opportunities for deep learning within each subject. More time is taken on each element of knowledge so that it can be understood more deeply and connections can be made across different subjects. Once children have achieved age-related expectations, they can look into these areas in greater depth and with greater challenge.

We have a cross-curricular themed approach that has been created by staff to fit the context of our school and our community. The thematic topics are underpinned by four curriculum drivers that are at the heart of everything we do.



Creative Arts


We would like our children to be effective, competent and empowered learners who respect one another and themselves by giving opportunities to engage actively in the life of the school, think creatively, work collaboratively and evaluate and organise themselves and others. We would like our children to develop strong skills in dialogic talk to stimulate and extend their learning and understanding, so they become empowered for lifelong learning and active citizenship. We would like our children to develop a range of artistic and cultural skills by giving rich opportunities in music, art and design, dance and drama. We would like our children to leave Bilton Grange Primary School as active citizens of modern Britain with a good understanding of the importance of the local community and its differences by giving rich opportunities in understanding local, national and global communities and their place in it.

As an Artsmark school, we are recognised as a leader in delivering a strong arts curriculum.

Teachers plan opportunities in all subjects for pupils to think in different ways, find different solutions, create original designs, make connections between subjects and imaginatively use and apply knowledge. Performing in music, drama and sport activities are highly valued as part of the broader curriculum to enrich knowledge and skills taught in subject lessons. With a predominantly White/British context, we promote the rich diversity of Britain and the wider world so that pupils can engage with society and understand their place in it, irrespective of their circumstances, special needs or disability. We carefully plan for special events that support this ethos. This may include a school trip, visitors in school or a planned event such as a ‘day as an Ancient Greek’. Such events may be planned for the beginning, middle or end of a topic to provide a link to previous learning; develop enquiry-based learning; support pre-learning assessments; acquire new knowledge and vocabulary and place learning in context or to deepen/master learning.



Rigorous assessment procedures ensure that no child is left behind.

AfL (Assessment for Learning) strategies help teachers and children acquire new knowledge and skills; AfLTL (Assessment for Long Term Learning) enables teachers to understand what children have learned and helps children embed learning in their long-term memory. We provide personalised support to all children, including those with physical, behavioural or learning difficulties so that they have what they need to access the curriculum. We ensure that we do not overload children’s working memory and use a variety of strategies to help children learn more and remember more over time. We use funding streams carefully to ensure that children, for example those with SEND or in receipt of the Pupil Premium, make rapid progress to attain age-related expectations and have experiences that enrich their learning to help them increase their vocabulary and knowledge.

Dialogic talk is key element of our teaching pedagogy. The focus on talk enables pupils to develop strong communication skills, and the ability to ask questions to deepen their learning so that they can approach tasks both collaboratively and independently. This approach supports our vocabulary-rich curriculum. The school supports a vertical and horizontal approach when learning vocabulary. Vertical deepening enables children to build upon previously learned vocabulary within a subject whilst horizontal deepening enables children to understand the different meanings a word may have across a range of subjects.

Our school prides itself on promoting a disciplined, caring and happy, family atmosphere.

We have a strong, nurturing ethos where we are committed to developing each and every child as an individual. Working in close partnership with children and parents, we hope to foster an ethos of mutual respect and co-operation within a secure and stimulating environment.

Spiritual, moral, social and cultural education (SMSC) is threaded throughout school life to prepare pupils for life in modern Britain and teach them how to keep safe. We enable our pupils to succeed through challenging tasks and activities that encourage them to take risks and be creative. We develop their ability to think independently, enabling them to transfer their learning to all aspects of their lives thus preparing them for the future.

Our 'Empowering Learning' targets aim to empower all learners to be inquisitive and confident learners for the future.


We provide a curriculum that strives for our pupils to be the best they can be.

When they move on to secondary school they should demonstrate the following:

  • Students are considerate and respectful and take responsibility for their behaviour.
  • Students are open to new ideas and respect and value differences.
  • Students are resourceful, resilient and know how to keep safe.
  • Students show strong attitudes to learning and embrace opportunities to learn from mistakes and are able to responsibility for their own learning.
  • Students will be able to think differently, be creative and embrace lifelong learning.
  • Students have good subject knowledge across all subjects including foundation subjects.
  • Students will make good progress from their starting points. Pupil’s attaining the expected standard or above in reading, writing and maths will be above national average at the end of Key Stage 2.
  • Disadvantaged and SEND students will have made good progress by the end of Key Stage 2. They will have acquired essential knowledge to enable them to access the Key Stage 3 curriculum.



Self Manager • Organise themselves and work out goals and priorities
• Show personal responsibility, initative, creativity and enterprise
• Anticipate, take and manage risks
• Commit themselves to learning and self-improvement
• Respond positively to change
Effective Participators • Engage actively with issues that effect them and those around them
• Play a full part in the life of the school
• Take responsible action to bring improvement for others as well as themselves
• Discuss issues of concern, seeking resolution
• Present a persuasive case for action
• Propose practical ways forward
• Try to influence others, negotiating and balancing diverse views
Resourceful Thinker • Think creatively by generating and exploring relevant ideas and making original connections
• Find links and see relationships
• Explore & Experiment with resources and materials
• Ask 'why', 'how' and 'what if' questions
• Apply imaginative thinking to solve a problem
• Try different ways to tackle a problem
• Work with others to find imaginitive solutions and outcomes that are of value


Reflective Learner • Evaluate their strengths and limitations as learners
• Review their work and act on outcomes
• Set themselves realistic goals and criteria for success
• Monitor their own performance and progress
• Invite feedback and deal positively with praise, setbacks and criticism
• Make changes to improve their learning
• Communicate their learning in relevant ways to different audiences
Independent Enquirer • Gather, process and evaluate information in their investigations
• Plan what to do and how to go about it
• Draw conclusions and evaluate outcomes
• Take informed and well-reasoned decisions, recognising that others have different beliefs and attitudes
• Use range of techniques to collect and organise information
Team Worker • Work confidently with others, adapting to different contexts and taking responsibility for thier own role
• Listen and take account of others' views
• Form collaborative relationships, resolving issues and reaching agreed outcomes
• Adapt behaviors to suit different roles and situations
• Show fairness and consideration towards others

The school complies with its duties set out in the ‘Equality Act 2010’ and ensures it makes the curriculum accessible for those with disabilities or special education needs through the ‘Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014’.

The school’s Accessibility Policy, Single Equality Scheme and SEND policy can be found in the policies section of this website.