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Music is a powerful form of human creativity having both an emotional and intellectual impact.

It has the power to transform, illuminate, inspire and motivate and enables our children to explore another practical way of expressing themselves.

It plays a vital role in children’s academic and social development and supports the ethos of our school. The value of music as an academic subject lies in its contribution to enjoyment and enrichment and its social benefits. The skills learnt, and benefits gained through this participation underpin all other areas of learning. Exposure to high quality music education enables lifelong participation in, and enjoyment of music. It is a means for experimentation which in turn allows our children to develop their creativity, ability to make informed choices and undertake critical self-evaluation.

“Where words fail, music speaks”

Hans Christian Anderson

Through the study of Music and exposure to the music of famous composers and musicians, our children are able to gain an appreciation of the diversity of global cultures and the significant role Music plays in our own community and different communities nation and worldwide. Music can also provide our children with an insight into life across different periods of history and help develop a greater understanding of the consequences human actions have had over time.

Primary Music helps our children to:

  • Express themselves creatively
  • Increase their knowledge of the world
  • Evaluate, question and examine
  • Work collaboratively
  • Improve language and maths skills
  • Improve memory, attention, concentration and co-ordination
  • Improve achievement and discipline


At Bilton Grange Primary School we believe that our children should have as many opportunities as possible to explore the music of different cultures, genres and times. This may be achieved through: the study of notable composers, musicians and genres and opportunities for composition and music-making in music lessons, through cross-curricular links made in other subjects, or through instrumental tuition, participation in concerts, performances, visits or trips out and visitors to school. By the time they leave Primary School, we want our children to know about, different genres of music notable composers and musicians and their work. Children need to have acquired skills which will enable them to participate in music-making with confidence. But above all, to have embraced Music both intellectually and emotionally, without inhibition...


Read More of our Rationale

Curriculum Sequence 

Provision Map

Music Development Plan Summary