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Learning a foreign language is a liberation from insularity and provides an opening to other cultures.

Language education fosters pupils’ curiosity and deepens their understanding of the world. In a world where international relationships are so important, an ability to communicate and a willingness to learn about other cultures will provide our children with the skills they need to develop oracy, literacy and cultural understanding.

Through high quality teaching of French at Bilton Grange School we endeavour to promote the introduction of a Modern Foreign Language to all pupils. As a school we have chosen to study French. French is spoken on five continents and the staff at Bilton Grange have more experience with speaking French than any other language. Most of the children at Bilton Grange Primary School are white, British and only speak English. We feel that French is the language of culture opening the door to art, music, dance, fashion, cuisine and cinema.

We have a cross curricular themed approach that is knowledge rich, carefully building upon the child’s previous knowledge with small sequential steps. Our approach is underpinned by the four curriculum drivers that are at the heart of everything we do.

Our approach is underpinned by the four curriculum drivers that are at the heart of everything we do.


We would like our children to be effective, competent and empowered learners who respect one another and themselves; to actively engage in the life of the school, think creatively, work collaboratively; evaluating and organising themselves and others.

We would like our children to develop strong skills in dialogic talk to stimulate and extend their thinking, and advance their learning and understanding, so they become empowered for lifelong learning and active citizenship.

Creative Arts:
We would like our children to develop a range of artistic and cultural skills by giving rich opportunities in music, art and design, dance, drama and creative writing.

We would like our children to leave Bilton Grange Primary School as active citizens of modern Britain with a good understanding of the importance of local, national and global communities and their place in it.

A balance of activities will be provided to help support the speaking, listening, reading and writing of French.

Substantive and disciplinary knowledge in French

When teaching a modern foreign language, most of the knowledge that the children will be learning is substantive. The practising of this substantive knowledge within lessons should be considered as disciplinary knowledge as they are applying what they have learnt.


Read More of our French Rationale

Curriculum Sequence

Provision Map